Hey Everyone! Hope you're having a great week. The last month or so Its been super hot and dry here in eastern North Carolina and now we are in a wet pattern. So getting out and about has been uncomfortable at best. But hopefully soon I can get out and about and by the time this blog comes out the weather will be cooperative. I have been writing blogs for quite awhile now and I have talked about photowalks and travel and street photography many times but I don't think I have ever explained the "what is?" of the terms. Thats what this blog is all about. There is nothing I like more than this type of photography. It has become one of my favorite things to do. It gets me out and about and exploring new and interesting things that I normally wouldn't see. I've recently had to create a presentation on this
subject for my photography club and this is fresh on my mind. So first of all what is a Photowalk.
Now I have just "Googled" the term Photowalk and it's basically what I think it is. To me it is a leisurely walk with the intent of taking photographs. When I think of photowalks I think of walking through a town not a hike through the woods. This can be done in your home town or a town you have never been to. Now I like to plan a photowalk but it could be unplanned as well. It doesn't have to be a large city like New York or Chicago .
It can be the town that is next to yours. While planning a photo walk I like to find out some of the history of the town. Maybe google the town and look at some images of the town. Find out the interesting part of the town and go there and walk the streets. Photo walks can be done solo but are great with a photo buddy or two. Both street and travel photography can be done while doing a photowalk. You can concentrate on one or the other or just take what catches your eye and decide later if its street or travel. While out on your photowalk hop into local stores and shops and see what you can see. You will be surprised on the cool little shops and stores you will go to. And make sure to stop into the local coffee shops and local restaurants . Stay away from chain stores and restaurants you can go to those when you're at home. Walk the main streets but don't forget the side streets and check
out behind stores or peek down alleyways sometimes the best photo's come where you don't expect them to be. I love a good photowalk with a buddy and eating at a cool little restaurant or diner for lunch.
Street Photography is the capture of candid or everyday life in a public place. Since the beginning of photography there has been street photography. Capturing everyday life in the click of a button.
Freezing time. When I think of street photography I think of black and white film shot for news papers in the 1950's and 60's. With street photography you are documenting an act or a scene . You are a fly on the wall witnessing ordinary life in an interesting way. You are documenting history. Now you can take photowalks where street photography is the main subject. Usually larger cities are the easiest for this purpose because of the target rich environment . But you can also shoot in small towns as well. Street photography is not planned it just happens in front of you and you get the shot and it's gone. One way to shoot some good street photography is find a good and interesting background and wait for someone to walk through it. Thats about as planned as it gets. Look for shadows and interesting
compositions when shooting. It doesn't always have to be people your taking photo's of . Make sure you're dressed to blend in to your environment . No bright colors or big flashy Cameras to draw attention to yourself. Small and discreet is the order of the day. So how is street photography different than travel photography?
Travel photography is the documentation of a places landscapes, people, customs and history. They are photo's that you take of a place to remember it. These photo's can be planned. Like Sunrise or sunset
or events that happen on a regular schedule. Research and planning come in handy for this type of photography. Say you are taking a trip to Boston. (which I highly recommend ) There are so many landmarks and interesting things that are specific to Boston that you want to capture. Google and plan your walk. Plan your stops where you want to go and take photo's. Maybe the landscape of the skyline of a city would be a great travel shot. Think as if you're making a brochure for the promotion of the town or place your visiting . What would you take photo's of. Maybe a market , a big landmark, a stadium like Fenway Park. Make sure you take a selfie with the landmark behind you. You just have to . LOL Make sure to use different POV (point of view) don't always shoot at eye level. Get your typical winner shot that you see on the internet then get one that is special or unique to you. If you're on a cobble stone street make sure you get your camera low to
highlight the cobble stone. Make sure you take some food shots. Especially if a town is known for a special type of food. Like Lobster or Clam Chowder is in Boston. If there are lots of monuments or art make sure to photograph at night like in Washington DC. Its a great place to shoot at night.
I just love photowalks where I can combine street and travel photography together. They seem to go together like peas and carrots like Forrest Gump would say. You can easily go back and forth between them. Some of the techniques and tips work for both. Dressing not to draw attention to yourself. Small gear not to draw attention or intimidate anyone you may be photographing. Travel light and don't carry a large bag with all kinds of gear in it . You'll be tired enough with just the walking . One camera and one lens is a great choice. Comfortable shoes and bring some water. Have fun and explore!
What are some of the places that you've gone to do photowalks? Well that's enough rambling for this week until next. Get outside and Shoot!